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Monday, 18 March 2024.

Strategic partnership targeting sexual discrimination in workplace

Two of Geelong’s largest employers Deakin University and Barwon Health have welcomed former Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins AO to a briefing of senior staff as part of their shared...

Monday, 29 January 2024.

Researching virtual experiences for real benefits

A NEW study in residential aged care at Barwon Health is investigating the social benefits of virtual reality experiences for people living with mild dementia. The collaboration between Barwon...

Friday, 21 December 2018.

Geelong leads yoga research link to mental health

Barwon Health and Deakin University researchers are examining how yoga might boost traditional psychological treatment to help people with depression and anxiety. A pilot trial will be conducted...

Monday, 03 December 2018.

Tropical fruit study to treat bipolar

A clinical trial is currently underway to determine whether an extract of mangosteen fruit rind can help reduce symptoms of depression in people with bipolar disorder. A clinical trial is...

Tuesday, 02 October 2018.

Barwon Health & Deakin University Research Week

The annual Barwon Health and Deakin Univ​e​rsity Research Week will take place from 12 - 16 November 2018.  Research Week showcases our research activities and includes guest...

Monday, 20 November 2017.

A fruitful study - It’s all in the rind when it comes to schizophrenia

Mental illness affects one in five people and there is a great need to provide better treatments for people.Through its ground-breaking clinical trials, Deakin University’s Centre for Innovation...

Friday, 27 October 2017.

Research Week 2017

Research Week showcases our research activities and includes guest lectures by prominent Geelong researchers, various presentations, and education sessions aimed at early career...


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